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- You are not yet a member of the Qigong Secrets Home Study course.
- You are a member but you have not logged in yet – the members login is over there on the right hand side. If you’ve forgotten your login details, then click the link below the login box.
- You are a member and you are logged in – you can only access the weeks material you are on and the weeks below that. I.e. if you are working on week 10, you can access week 10, 9,8, and so on to week 01. But you won’t be able to access week 11 yet until next week.
If you’re not a member but would like to be one, then please visit the Enjoy Qigong home page and sign up for the $4.95 two week trial.
I look forward to seeing you in the members zone =)
Bye for now,